Cue Score Digitalization
I recently made the decision to convert all of my supertitles library to digital pdf format to make available an additional option for my customers.
There are multiple benefits to a digitized score:
- No need to wait for, or return, a physical score.
- No international shipping costs or customs fees.
- It’s a greener option than printing, allowing for the use of separate tablets or laptops to view the score while running the slideshow.
- Printing your own local copy allows you to write all over it and make whatever marks are desired.
- Digitized scores allow for adjustments to cue marks if necessary.
- Bookmarks embedded in the pdf make jumping from scene to scene much more quick and efficient.
If you would like for your next rental to be made available as a digital download, please let me know and I will make sure it’s ready for you in time. This process will likely take several months, so I am converting some purely as needed.
Printed scores will still be available for rental at the regular rate, but they will not have to be returned following your production.

New Works Added
I am happy to continue growing the library of now more than three hundred different supertitle sets available for rental. Here is what I have added since the last e-newsletter:
Dona nobis pacem (Vaughan Williams)
Ernani (Verdi)
Gloria (Poulenc)
“Great” Mass in C minor (Mozart)
Messiah (Handel)
Renard (Stravinsky)
Weihnachts-Oratorium (Bach’s Christmas Oratorio)
Coming Soon:
Belshazzar’s Feast (Walton)
The Ghosts of Versailles
Das Reingold
Welcome New Clients
Since the last e-newsletter, I’ve been honored to add the following clients to the hundreds of organizations that have used my supertitles over the last two decades:
University of Arkansas
Coupon Codes for Online Ordering
Those of you who qualify for discounts, you will now need to use a coupon code if you wish to get that discount through the site directly when ordering online. I can also still provide direct invoices if you have any technical difficulties. The default listed rates on the web site are for Rate One customers (400K or higher in annual revenue).
Rate Two (100-400K annual revenue) customers: use coupon code RateTwo
Rate Three (Less than $100K annual revenue) use coupon code RateThree
Educational Use customers use coupon code Education
These discounts are only available for rentals exceeding $75.