Supertitles aren’t just great for opera. Art song supertitles are excellent for art song performances in more intimate chamber settings. They’re also good for scenes and aria presentations such as the Placido Domingo gala concert I did for New Orleans Opera in 2012, or Renée Fleming’s gala concert with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in 2024. Such concert performances are meant to bring the magic of live vocal performance to audiences, and if the audience doesn’t know what is being sung, that experience is profoundly diminished.
I not only offer complete art song supertitles and title sets for chamber vocal music. I frequently create custom aria and scene sets for professional concert performances and for university scenes programs.
Photo by Matthew Hinton, The Times-Picayune
Available Rentals
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3 Mélodies, Op. 23 (Fauré) 🛒
4 Mélodies, Op. 51 (Fauré) 🛒
Acht Lieder, Op. 49 (Strauss, R.) 🛒
Ah! Perfido! (Beethoven) 🛒
Banalités (Poulenc) 🛒
Chansons de Don Quichotte (Ibert) 🛒
Chansons Gaillardes (Poulenc) 🛒
A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41 (Britten) 🛒
Des Knaben Wunderhorn (Mahler, G.) 🛒
Dichterliebe (Schumann, R.) 🛒
Drei Gesänge älterer deutscher Dichter, Op. 43 (Strauss, R.) 🛒
Drei Lieder, Op. 29 (Strauss, R.) 🛒
Frauen-Liebe und Leben (Schumann, R.) 🛒
From Jewish Folk Poetry (Shostakovich) 🛒
Gesang der Parzen (Brahms) 🛒
Kindertotenlieder (Mahler) 🛒
Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Mahler) 🛒
Lilacs (Walker, G.) 🛒
Lyrische Symphonie (Zemlinsky, A.) 🛒
Nachtlied, Op. 108 (Schumann, R.) 🛒
Nänie (Brahms) 🛒
Les nuits d’été (Berlioz) 🛒
Pierrot lunaire (Schoenberg) 🛒
Schicksalslied (Brahms) 🛒
Die schöne Müllerin (Schubert) 🛒
Schwanengesang (Schubert) 🛒
Sechs Lieder, Op. 68 (Strauss, R.) 🛒
Shéhérazade (Ravel) 🛒
Siete canciones populares Españolas (de Falla) 🛒
Six Romances (Шесть романсов; Rachmaninoff) 🛒
Songs and Dances of Death (Mussorgsky) 🛒
Songs of the Cifar and the Sweet Sea (Frank, G.) 🛒
Tre sonetti di Petrarca (Liszt) 🛒
La vie antérieure (Duparc) 🛒
Vier Lieder, Op. 27 (Strauss, R.) 🛒
Vier letzte Lieder (Strauss, R.) 🛒